
This just in: fair trade coffee impoverishes farmers

For those unaware, this past Saturday was World Fair Trade Day. Now, it needs to be mentioned that no one criticizes the intentions of those who are involved in promoting 'fair trade' coffee. Helping some of the poorest farmers in the world is admirable. However,...

Prohibition-era liquor law takes hit

Terry David Mulligan, known by those over 30 as the famous VJ from Much Music, has become a hero for the freedom to trade in wine. Now a wine journalist, Mulligan has taken to challenging Canada's archaic wine laws. See the story here. In Canada today, it is illegal...

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Pork Barrel Protectionism Report

Policy paper 24 explores why recent hog tariffs imposed by the United States are about protectionism and explains why Canada should aggressively pursue the case under free trade rules, and work to eliminate the possibility of such nuisance actions in all export commodities.

Why Doha Must Succeed

One day the majority of people in these countries will wake up and understand how much better off they would be if they did away with farm subsidies and protection. Governments would save themselves billions of dollars. Consumers and taxpayers would get a much better deal and farmers would enjoy freedom and opportunities they do not have now.