Results for "quesnel"

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The Abuse of Omnibus Bills

The Abuse of Omnibus Bills

As we are faced with the possibility of a snap election next month, all federal political parties need to limit the use and scope of omnibus bills. Governments of all partisan stripes come into office promising to curb this practice but end up succumbing to them when...

Parliamentary Prorogation Ploy

Parliamentary Prorogation Ploy

With the recent prorogation of parliament, Canadians face the chance of an election come September after the government introduces its Speech from the Throne. Many are criticizing the government’s decision to prorogue.  Perhaps as all the national parties prepare for...

Trans Mountain and Duty to Consult

Trans Mountain and Duty to Consult

The decision by the Supreme Court of Canada to dismiss the latest challenge by Indigenous groups over the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project should not come as a surprise.  It was a predictable outcome in a line of successive rulings that Trans Mountain had met...

Fracking and the Duty to Consult

Fracking and the Duty to Consult

When we start discussing the inevitable economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic, both Nova Scotia and New Brunswick should lift restrictions on natural gas fracking. Natural gas prices are at lows, but that will not stay the case forever. Energy industry...

COVID-19 Impact On Indigenous Business

COVID-19 Impact On Indigenous Business

The COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating effects on the already fragile Indigenous economy, making the Indigenous economic recovery that much more important.  Gaming – including Indigenous-owned casinos – plays a significant role in Indigenous economies, especially...

CBC Indigenous Unit and Journalism

CBC Indigenous Unit and Journalism

Years ago, I was given a great opportunity to be the lead reporter and do the editing work for a national Indigenous newspaper based in Winnipeg. It was called the Drum/First Perspective newspaper and it covered Indigenous news in Manitoba and around Canada. The paper...