Book Review – Symposium – Reviewing The 1867 Project (3 of 3)
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1967 versus 2023
Symposium – Reviewing the 1867 Project (1 of 3)
Manitoba Must Protect Consumer Choice In Energy
The provincial election is the perfect opportunity to lay down the gauntlet against the green extremists’ unjustified war on natural gas furnaces and stoves that is slowly creeping up on us. The City of Nanaimo - yet another British Columbia municipality – just passed...
Tennessee Takes Lead To Protect Cross-Border Energy Projects
State legislature passed a law limiting the power of local governments to regulate energy infrastructure
Featured News
Let’s Celebrate Reaching Global Population of Eight Billion
Recently, the United Nations estimated that the population of Planet Earth had reached eight billion souls. Despite the chatter of the highly subsidized climate doomster complex this is quite an achievement - it certainly indicates that the carrying capacity of our...
China’s “Truckers’ Convoy”
Anti-lockdown protests are now taking place across China - the Chinese equivalent of our Truckers’ Convoy. The protests are a reaction to the brutal policies that literally lock people in their apartments, when even one infection is detected. As in Canada, when...
The Abuse of Omnibus Bills
As we are faced with the possibility of a snap election next month, all federal political parties need to limit the use and scope of omnibus bills. Governments of all partisan stripes come into office promising to curb this practice but end up succumbing to them when...
Parliamentary Prorogation Ploy
With the recent prorogation of parliament, Canadians face the chance of an election come September after the government introduces its Speech from the Throne. Many are criticizing the government’s decision to prorogue. Perhaps as all the national parties prepare for...
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Should go the way of the Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation
First, some background. In 1969, the federal government passed the Freshwater Fish Marketing Act (FFMA). The FFMC created a federal Crown corporation that acted as the sole buyer of freshwater fish caught in western Canada, northern Canada, and parts of northern...
A Made-in-Canada Judicial Nominations Process
Back in 2018, the world watched as United States Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh was subjected to one those most politicized public trials in recent history. Many believed that sexual assault accuser Christine Blasey Ford was manipulated for partisan...
Trans Mountain and Duty to Consult
The decision by the Supreme Court of Canada to dismiss the latest challenge by Indigenous groups over the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project should not come as a surprise. It was a predictable outcome in a line of successive rulings that Trans Mountain had met...
In the New COVID World Canada Should Shore up its Domestic Zinc Supply
Many do not know this, but zinc is an important ingredient in disinfectants, such as soap. So, in a sense, zinc is playing an important role in preventing the spread of COVID-19 as many Canadians use disinfectants containing zinc. After all, the twin pillars of...
Fracking and the Duty to Consult
When we start discussing the inevitable economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic, both Nova Scotia and New Brunswick should lift restrictions on natural gas fracking. Natural gas prices are at lows, but that will not stay the case forever. Energy industry...
COVID-19 Impact On Indigenous Business
The COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating effects on the already fragile Indigenous economy, making the Indigenous economic recovery that much more important. Gaming – including Indigenous-owned casinos – plays a significant role in Indigenous economies, especially...
CBC Indigenous Unit and Journalism
Years ago, I was given a great opportunity to be the lead reporter and do the editing work for a national Indigenous newspaper based in Winnipeg. It was called the Drum/First Perspective newspaper and it covered Indigenous news in Manitoba and around Canada. The paper...