Results for "woke"

In Case of Emergency, Read This! Alberta’s Covid-19 Report

In Case of Emergency, Read This! Alberta’s Covid-19 Report

Despite the wreckage wrought by the Covid-19 pandemic – social disintegration, ruined lives, physical and economic tolls – the governments and public officials who “managed” the emergency have been decidedly uninterested in assessing their performance. Except in Alberta, where a government-appointed panel just released its Final Report. Though predictably attacked by politicians, media and “experts” who can abide no dissent, the report makes many sensible recommendations, Barry Cooper finds. The report calls for emergency management experts – not doctors or health care bureaucrats – to be in charge when such disasters strike, with politicians who are accountable to the people making the key decisions. Most important, the report demands much stronger protection for the individual freedoms that panic-stricken governments and overbearing professional organizations so readily quashed.

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Stakeholder Capitalism’s Sleight of Hand

Stakeholder Capitalism’s Sleight of Hand

The Trojan horse of social engineers has crossed the gates. At the latest World Economic Forum in Switzerland, the Davos Manifesto 2020 replaced the original from 1973. The new one lays down a company’s duties towards “stakeholders” rather than shareholders. This...

Visions of the Anointed

Visions of the Anointed

Careful what you wish for, you just might get it. In recent years there has been a trend for young entrepreneurs to publicly embrace so-called progressive values and new urbanism. Once those policies are implemented and negative effects on their businesses start to...

In Praise of Dead White Men

In Praise of Dead White Men

Every age has its obsessions. Religious differences among Christians led to brutal and bloody religious wars a few centuries ago. National conflicts among European powers led to worldwide wars in the 19thand 20th centuries. In the West, our 21st century obsession...

Are Educators Enemies of the People?

Are Educators Enemies of the People?

Our educators, based and trained in our universities, have adopted an ideology, a faith,  contrary to the values and will of the general public, the citizens who pay their salaries and give jobs to their graduates. This ideology shapes the thoughts of everyone who...