Results for "woke"

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Author and Activist Speaks Out Against Honour Killings

Aruna Papp spent the past three decades devoted to helping Southeast Asian women in Canada and serves as research associate with the Winnipeg-based Frontier Centre for Public Policy. She is also an outspoken advocate for women from cultures that devalue females and she is most appalled at the murders of females at the hands of their fathers and brothers.

Life Without a Microwave

Last week, my family’s microwave broke down after 15 years of faithful service. That incident might sound trivial to you. I’m sure it is trivial to you. But it made me aware of how valuable a microwave has been to us. And our week without a microwave taught me a lot about the value of microwaves—and can teach us more generally about the value of economic freedom.

Canada Risks Being Left Empty-Handed in Asia

Far from the truculent finger-pointing that once characterized his government’s attitude to China – an attitude it still displays elsewhere – Mr. Harper buried whatever criticisms he made of China’s terrible human-rights record in closed-door meetings. In public, it was all sweetness and light, trade deals and photo ops with pandas.

Australian Boomerang: Another big spending center-left party loses its majority

Australia now faces a period of uncertainty as Ms. Gillard and Mr. Abbott scramble to assemble what in either case would be a narrow majority. This may mean a period of more cautious policy, at least in the short term, which Australians may prefer after the tumult of the last three years. The bigger picture is that, in Australia as in the U.K., voters have stopped the revival of big government dead in its tracks.

Where’s Global Warming?

But considering how much attention would have been lavished on a comparable run of hot weather or on a warming trend that was plainly accelerating, shouldn’t the recent cold phenomena and the absence of any global warming during the past 10 years be getting a little more notice? Isn’t it possible that the most apocalyptic voices of global-warming alarmism might not be the only ones worth listening to?

Polar Bear Hunt a Way of Life

RESOLUTE, Nunavut -- In 26 years of chasing polar bears, Nathaniel Kalluk has never had another hunt like it. "It was springtime, many years ago," he begins, running a hand through hair coal black contrasted by one eyebrow white as the predator he stalks. "We were...

Who will help the kids?

Welcome to Pauingassi First Nation, located on the edge of nowhere. Half the kids here are gasoline sniffers. Their one hope is a social worker who's fighting to save them. He needs help because he's losing the battle PAUINGASSI -- Eric Kennedy sits on the sofa in his...