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Downtown Calgary: At Risk?

Downtown Calgary: At Risk?

Downtown Calgary is a big deal (see photo below and photos following the text). Traditional American and Canadian downtown areas (central business districts or CBDs) are a holdover from the pre-auto era. Their geographical limits were largely set by the early Great...

Does Short Selling Sell Us Short?

Does Short Selling Sell Us Short?

Paraphrasing a remark by American philosopher Nicholas Murray Butler in 1931, John Newbern once said: “People can be divided into three groups: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder what happened.” Each of those classes is...

The Marxist Playbook Hasn’t Changed

The Marxist Playbook Hasn’t Changed

“We will take America without firing a shot,” said Nikita Khrushchev, the leader of Soviet Russia from 1958 to 1964. The Soviet Union may have vanished, but old Marxist strategies are still being implemented. The 1969 lecture “More Deadly Than War: The Communist...

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The American Dream: Alive and Well (Some Places)

Levittown, and the automobile-oriented urban expansion it foreshadowed, resulted in the greatest democratization of prosperity in history. Wherever mass suburbanization occurred – whether in the United States, its first world cousins Canada and Australia, Western Europe or later even Japan – we have seen the unprecedented rise of a mass property-owning class. Generally, where land regulation has remained reasonable, new houses can be purchased for less than three times median household incomes.

Following Europe’s Lead on Climate Change

Environmentalists, journalists and politicians say tough climate legislation is a moral imperative. Global warming science is settled, the United States is out of step with other nations, America must follow Europe’s lead to prevent climate chaos. It’s great rhetoric. But which European lead should we follow? And how is it morally responsible to enact climate legislation that kills jobs and punishes families and businesses, to reduce global temperatures by perhaps 0.2 degrees?

Good Intentions, Green Policies, and the Poor

Escalating fuel costs harm the poor disproportionately, acting as a de facto regressive tax. Thus, American families at the median income level pay 5% of each household dollar for energy costs, and families with lower incomes spend 20% of household funds on energy, while households under the poverty line see fully half of their budget spent on gas, heating, and other fuel costs.

Niger Innis, Congress of Racial Equality

Niger Innis, Congress of Racial Equality

Niger Innis is Co-Chair of the Alliance to Stop the War on the Poor and the National Spokesman for the Congress of Racial Equality, one of the oldest African-American anti-poverty groups. It was founded in 1942 as one of the pioneers of the civil rights movement in the United States. Its national Headquarters is located in New York City.