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The Gig Economy from Yards to Governments

The Gig Economy from Yards to Governments

My landlord friend had a problem and the solution was so novel he had to tell me about it. He lives in Winnipeg, but his house tenant in Regina couldn’t remove snow from the property. Not long ago, finding someone to deal with that might have been difficult or...

Precious Metals and Canada

Precious Metals and Canada

The land of ice hockey, curling, maple syrup and Celine Dion is a nation overflowing with precious metals from coast to coast.  Canadian provinces like Alberta and Saskatchewan, known for their oil sands operations, have an abundance of lithium. Why is this important?...

Featured News

The end of America?

How do societies and cultures end? What causes the death of societies and cultures? It is not always the obvious threats. Today we are struggling with the coronavirus which has unfortunately sickened many and killed some Americans. The deaths are tragic, but so are...

Double-Bubble, and Oil, and Trouble

If there is anything to be learned from the recent string of bubbles, it may be that surplus investment capital, now floating round the world in cyberspace, is always looking for a speculative home and that as one bubble bursts, the fund managers desperately seek out a replacement. Will we see a gathering flock to carbon trading, windmills, biofuels and other renewables driven largely by the legislators?

The Housing Bubble

Sadly, it is clear that the planning profession has too often lost its way by allowing itself to become captured by ideologues, less important aesthetic issues and those (both commercial interests and existing home owners) determined to exclude others from their rights to ownership and community participation.

Are You Really Green?

When Sesame Street character Kermit the Frog croaked, “It’s not easy being green”, it was prophetic. Claiming you are green because you drive a Prius or because you recycle faithfully may win you points at the greener-than-thou cocktail parties, but do they really help the environment and humanity?

Education Inflation in Canada

Education Inflation in Canada

Alberta spent the most per student, followed closely by Manitoba. However, Alberta had the least expensive education system when expenditures are measured as a percent of its economy. The most expensive system by that measure is New Brunswick, followed closely by Manitoba’s.