Big infrastructure spending plans in both Canada, the United States, and the European Union, all place a lot of emphasis on renewable energy displacing coal, gas and petroleum burning generating stations and motor vehicles. Yet little attention is given to the one...
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Thinker’s Corner Video – A Conversation About Canada’s deadly response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
In the latest Frontier Centre research paper, David Redman, former head of Alberta’s Emergency Management Agency, holds that Canada’s Prime Minister, Premiers and Medical Officers of Health must be held responsible for this deadly Canadian response, particularly for...
Technology Giants: Prince John or Robin Hood?
The technology landscape consists of giant powerhouses like Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook and AOL (to name a few) and a veritable plethora of smaller companies ranging in size from one-person start-ups to mid-sized corporations. The one thing that all of these...
Alberta Government Ignores, Expensively, the Axiom That Government Should Stay Out of Business
The conservative or free market foundational principle that government should stay out of business was ignored by the United Conservative Party of Alberta and the premier of the provincial government. Their regime ‘invested’ what has come to be revealed as $1.3...
Featured News
Dependence on any one Foreign Nation is Unhealthy; in the case of China, all too Literally So
Of late, it has been remarked that most of the active ingredients for key pharmaceuticals in North America come from abroad - usually from China; in the case of generics, often from India. In turn, India often imports its key ingredients from China. So, diverting...
A less Naïve Canada on Foreign Policy?
Pope Francis gave a speech recently in which he praised attachment to one’s own culture and place, criticizing global capitalism with its “consumerist vision of human beings” for its “levelling effect on cultures, diminishing the immense variety which is the heritage...
Media Release – 1000+ Leading Economists, Policy Makers and other Distinguished Persons Call on Governments to Reject Protectionism and Eliminate Trade Barriers
The open letter is available at a new website – – which will feature news stories, exclusive webcasts, statements by signatories of the open letter, and many other items.
Calgary’s Living Wage Boondoggle
Calgary could soon be the first city in Canada to adopt a living wage. But the proposed policy will not help a single person in poverty and could do substantial damage to the local labour market.
Practice Makes Perfect: Homework Does Have A Purpose
During spring break, the last thing many students and their parents probably want to think about is homework. However, it is a relevant topic because there is an ongoing debate in educational circles about the value of homework.
Developing World Thirsty For Water Rights
Only five percent of global water management today is private. It is governments who mismanage and misallocate water to farmers and other special interests, as well as the politically connected, especially in poor countries. Not only does public ownership and management of water resources harm the poor, it also harms the environment by encouraging waste.
Back To The Drawing Board
Even though homework opponents have claimed that homework is a poor use of students’ time and should be abolished, the reality is that there are solid reasons for making it a key part of the learning process.
Media Release: Back to the Drawing Board
Homework is an important part of the schooling process and it would be better to reform and improve its use than to abolish it entirely according to a new report from the Frontier Centre for Public Policy.
Bogeymen Of The C02 Hoax Losing Ground
We’re close to the point where the public and politicians realize they have been totally deceived about the nature and cause of climate change.
Earth Hour Tokenism
By switching off lights of one hour per year while continuing to enjoy the comforts of modern life, Earth Hour highlights that the developing world really needs sanitation, nutrition, trade, and education more than the sacrifices Westerners are prepared to make for climate change.
A New Look at Canadian Indian Policy: Respect the Collective – Promote the Individual
Frontier policy analyst Joseph Quesnel reviews an excellent new book on Indian policy by Gordon Gibson, where Gibson argues the central problems confronting First Nations are the result of preferring the collective over the individual.