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Environment Canada Exaggerates Warming Scare

Environment Canada Exaggerates Warming Scare

Recent analysis by Professor Roy Spencer, meteorologist and principal research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, shows that Canada's climate is warming at half the rate projected by Environment Canada's Climate Models. He suggests that Canadian...

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Taxes or User Charges?

Taxes or User Charges?

Like all governments, municipalities have the option of using a number of revenue-raising tools that have different characteristics. We examine, in this Charticle, the use of property taxes versus user charges for the funding of municipal services in 30 Canadian cities. FC038

Municipal Tax and Municipal Tax Reliance

Municipal Tax and Municipal Tax Reliance

Frontier’s Local Government Frontiers Project collected various financial data from Canada’s 30th largest cities in 2007. This Charticle presents the levels of taxation imposed collected divided by the number of households counted in each jurisdiction. FC037