Results for "china"

Feds Gutting Canada’s Economic Well-being

Feds Gutting Canada’s Economic Well-being

Wildfires in Canada and unseasonably high temperatures in Europe are being blamed on climate change, escalating the perceived urgency to “do something” about carbon emissions. In Canada, it seems no volume of emissions is too small to worry about. B.C. taxpayers will...

The Virus, The Vaccine, The Victims: Beginning The Great Reckoning

The Virus, The Vaccine, The Victims: Beginning The Great Reckoning

As Covid-19 recedes, a worldwide evaluation of how the pandemic was handled is finally underway. As much as governments, public health leaders and official science want to avoid questions, others with courage and determination are digging in and finding answers, including Canada’s privately organized National Citizens Inquiry. Margret Kopala examines the damage done by misguided public health measures and presents disturbing new evidence that vaccines were not only pointless but have caused injury and death on a horrific scale. And she reveals how efforts to fight back in the courts and against the media are gaining traction. As more information comes out, the truth about the greatest disaster of our time is becoming clearer.

Featured News

Trust is the Foundation of Authority

The heartbreaking death of Nathanael Spitzer, the cancer-stricken boy from Ponoka, exposed a most callous streak in Alberta’s medical bureaucracy. There is no forgiving how Alberta Health Services appallingly used a child’s death to promote yet more COVID-19 fear. ...

The Great Myth of Lockdowns

The Great Myth of Lockdowns

In January and February, the Canadian public watched as COVID-19 was announced in China. It spread to Italy, then to Germany, Spain, France, and then to the UK. The media, fascinated by the ratings they were receiving by covering the disease, relentlessly extolled the...

2020 International Property Rights Index

2020 International Property Rights Index

2020 International Property Rights Index Released The global index ranks property rights protections in 129 countries, covering 98% of world GDP and 94% of world population. Washington DC– Property Rights Alliance, in cooperation with 122 think tanks across the world,...

Star Trek Becomes Real

Star Trek Becomes Real

No one ever took President Trump for Star Trek’s Captain Picard. Nevertheless, his creation of the U.S. Space Force in December of 2019 resembled the latter’s powerful command, “Engage!” The space race is on, but what most people would find surprising is how far along...