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Obsession With Identity

Obsession With Identity

On my desk is a commemorative plate honouring the 1966 Grey Cup champions, the Saskatchewan Roughriders. On it are the pictures of football legend Ronnie Lancaster and his teammates. A quick scan of these portraits reveals something odd: just three of the players’...

Sexual Exploitation by WHO in the Congo

Sexual Exploitation by WHO in the Congo

The second-largest Ebola outbreak in history is over, but the sexual misconduct investigations regarding WHO’s aid workers in the Congo has just begun. The Congolese Ebola outbreak started in 2018 and was declared over on June 25, 2020. It had 3481 cases, 2299...

Canadian Crown Corporation Financial Database

The Canadian Crown Corporation Financial Database allows citizens to easily access professional financial valuations of crown corporations throughout Canada. Despite most crown corporations' generally and persistently have dismal financial performance, many crown...

Featured News

The Law and the Lore

Introduction If you have the good fortune to attend a conference on “The Sustainable Management of the Central Forests” or “The Sustainable Management of the Chatham Fisheries” you will listen to a fine collection of papers based on solid science and sound economics....


NIWA has applied the scary scenarios generated by the latest run of IPCC computer models to New Zealand. Having failed to predict the weather over Easter they now play safe by forecasting so far out none of us will be around to check them out. We need to be aware of...