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Canadian RF and EMR Standards

Canadian RF and EMR Standards

The word “radiation” conjures up images of the atomic bomb being dropped on Hiroshima or the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster. Our society has a strong, and not unreasonable, fear of nuclear radiation, that has been built up over years of stories. Starting with...

Policing:  Walking in Another’s Shoes

Policing: Walking in Another’s Shoes

There has been tremendous scrutiny and criticism of policing in recent months. Policing has been the lightning rod for widespread protests, a window into the failings of systemic processes and structures that have sustained otherization and marginalization, and...

Rosa Parks and The BIPOC Café

Rosa Parks and The BIPOC Café

If you wonder how the social justice war is going, look no further than the University of Michigan-Dearborn. There, in the “diversity, equity and inclusion” activism that has all but replaced education in too many of our institutions of higher learning, the...

Featured News

Why Are Parents Paying Twice?

Manitoba’s education system is soaking parents who choose not to enroll their children in often substandard public schools. Those who use independent schools, who home-school and who use remedial learning centres all face discrimination and two tiers.

This Land Is My Land

Canada's much vaunted reputation for tolerance took a beating this summer in Caledonia, a town 80km (50 miles) south-west of Toronto, where a new housing development on land claimed by the Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy has sparked off a series of ugly clashes...