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Muslim Brotherhood Needs Examination

Muslim Brotherhood Needs Examination

In July, the government of France did what no western government had done before. Following eight months of investigation into the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), the Senate issued a 244-page report that named MB the top Islamist enemy. The report made 44 recommendations,...

One Nation, One People

One Nation, One People

One of the main reasons for the lack of progress on the federal Indigenous file is the lack of united support among First Nations for real change. Sadly, our non-Indigenous political leaders do not talk about this, former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau being one...

Featured News

Gold’s Rise Could Be Signalling Chaos

Gold is a strange commodity. While it has some industrial uses, it mostly ends up in jewelry or money-surrogates such as coins and ingots; the latter often in central bank vaults. Unlike other metals, it accumulates and circulates in the economy and society; it is not...

Canada’s Education Secret

Imagine a public-school system where families are encouraged to go shopping for the school of their choice. Imagine that the choice includes a sports school, an arts school, a military academy, a religious school and Mandarin immersion. Imagine a world where all the...

The Shape of Health Care to Come:

The Canadian Health Care Consensus Group have come together to provide a platform for bold, reasoned and practical plans for genuine reform of the health system and to demonstrate that there is an emerging consensus among reform-minded observers about the direction that real reform must take.

Subsidies at Root of Farm-Income Crisis

Subsidies at Root of Farm-Income Crisis

In the last nineteen years, OECD countries transferred a combined $US 4.79 trillion in subsidies to farmers. These payments have distorted incentives to growers and encouraged them to produce more than they otherwise would or produce what they otherwise wouldn’t.