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An Inconvenient Truth

An Inconvenient Truth

While activists and protesters celebrate the destruction of Sir John A. Macdonald’s statue in Montreal, they probably don’t want to be reminded that in neighbouring Ontario there stands another statue, one that has thus far escaped the wrath of Black and Indigenous...

We Need Intelligent Charity Policy

We Need Intelligent Charity Policy

The WE Charity inspired the questions, but so many other charities should be affected by the answers. On August 6, the federal Finance Committee called employees of Charity Intelligence to the stand. Ninety minutes of testimony from CI managing director Kate Bahen and...

‘Social Justice’ is Extortion

‘Social Justice’ is Extortion

The Mafia is not as good at extortion as “social justice” activists. Feminists and race activists have successfully invoked moralism to demand preferences, special benefits, and power. The legal cover for this extortion comes in the form of “affirmative action” and...

Featured News

Aggregate Data Misses the Granular Misfortunes

It’s a time of year when we are inclined to revel in consumer excess, feel-good charity, and moral sentimentality. We may even take time to watch an adaptation of Charles Dickens' “A Christmas Carol”.   For those of us who are privileged, we may even scoff at Alastair...