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Fracking and the Duty to Consult

Fracking and the Duty to Consult

When we start discussing the inevitable economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic, both Nova Scotia and New Brunswick should lift restrictions on natural gas fracking. Natural gas prices are at lows, but that will not stay the case forever. Energy industry...

Escaping Responsibility

Escaping Responsibility

In 1970 Claude Charron was the youngest member ever elected to the National Assembly of Quebec. Re-elected a few times and as a high-profile cabinet minister, Charron astounded everyone by being caught red-handed trying to steal a tweed jacket from an Eaton’s store....

COVID-19 Impact On Indigenous Business

COVID-19 Impact On Indigenous Business

The COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating effects on the already fragile Indigenous economy, making the Indigenous economic recovery that much more important.  Gaming – including Indigenous-owned casinos – plays a significant role in Indigenous economies, especially...

Featured News

The Tesla Disruption: Cab Drivers Beware!

The free market economy is beautiful in its simplicity: offer a service people want at a price people will pay for, and you will get your reward. For decades, cab drivers offered what buses could not—a ride on request from any location to anywhere else in a reasonable...

The Real Problem With Corruption

The recent revelations from the Gomery Inquiry are causing me great concern, but not for the usual reasons. We should all feel outraged at the waste of taxpayers’ money for dubious purposes but, hey, governments are always wasting money. The real problem is the...