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Let’s Open the Economy

Let’s Open the Economy

Manitoba is temporarily in an enviable position COVID-wise. Both compared to our southern neighbors and even to most of our fellow provinces. But, this is mainly because few people travel to Manitoba in winter. Travelers from western provinces are now allowed to enter...

Hydroxychloroquine-The Political Drug

Hydroxychloroquine-The Political Drug

There’s a long-standing convention that applies to the use of all medical drugs: A person considering the use of a drug for medical or prophylactic purposes is advised to consult with his or her physician about its possible use. It’s assumed that the physician is up...

CBC Indigenous Unit and Journalism

CBC Indigenous Unit and Journalism

Years ago, I was given a great opportunity to be the lead reporter and do the editing work for a national Indigenous newspaper based in Winnipeg. It was called the Drum/First Perspective newspaper and it covered Indigenous news in Manitoba and around Canada. The paper...

Featured News

A Conversation with Philippe Cyrene

A Conversation with Philippe Cyrene

A professor of economics at the University of Winnipeg, Philippe Cyrenne is the author of Private Health Care in the OECD: A Canadian Perspective (with a section on Australia co-authored by Marian Shanahan.) Dr. Cyrenne holds a B.A.(Hons.) from the University of...

Educational Achievement in Canada

Alberta’s educational system is distinct from other provinces in two significant ways. It offers more parental choice and more accountability through standardized provincial examinations. It also performs the best in Canada by a substantial margin.