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The End of Nuance

The End of Nuance

George W. Bush said famously to Congress after the 9-11 terrorist attack, “Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” Similarly, George Orwell said in 1942 that “in practice, ‘he that is not with...

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To Infinity and Beyond

Space exploration is fraught with a wide variety of hazards; solar storms could irradiate astronauts, collisions with small, unseen objects could cause instant death, and the acts of both leaving Earth and coming back are high risk maneuvers that involve high speeds...

Global Minimum Tax Is Cartel Scam with Loopholes

Rhetoric is one thing; reality is another. As is becoming increasingly clear, the OECD’s July 1 proposal for a 15 per cent global minimum for corporate taxation is nothing of the sort. Although the awaited initiative slated for 2023 will not and cannot achieve a level...

Peckford: Where Are We?

Peckford: Where Are We?

I have been writing this blog since 2015. I have been covering many of the major issues facing our country and the wider world. It seems that humankind has hit the wall. I remember reading the thoughts of the late evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould about...

How Canada Discovered Resistance

How Canada Discovered Resistance

In February 2022, I attended the Great American Outdoor Show in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and struck up a conversation with a hunting guide from Newfoundland. We talked about guided trips to hunt moose and caribou and about how much of a haul it is to get from...