Results for ""

Taking the Knee

Taking the Knee

Lack of understanding of the hidden police culture will, once again, only result in superficial changes, all the while the festering cinders remaining to reignite another bonfire. Despite the promises made during the past decade, particularly with the adoption and...

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Feminism and Injustice

What do feminists want? Is feminism an inclusive movement striving for gender equality and justice for all, or is it a partisan movement seeking advantage and benefits for females at the expense of males? What exactly is feminism's attitude toward males? Is it...

The Real Realities of Canadian Medicare

As the title suggests, an article in The American Prospect What Medicare for All Really Looks Like, claims to describe the realities of Canadian medicare to our southern neighbours. So, it is both ironic – and disappointing – that a careful reading reveals it to be...

A Conversation with Niels Veldhuis

A Conversation with Niels Veldhuis

Niels Veldhuis is Senior Research Economist at The Fraser Institute. Since joining the Institute in 2002 he has authored or co-authored 10 comprehensive studies on a wide range of topics including, taxation, labour markets, government debt, government failure, fiscal...