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Meeting the Terawatt Challenge

Meeting the Terawatt Challenge

In his latest seminal book, A Question of Power: Electricity and the Wealth of Nations, Austin, Texas-based energy analyst and futurist Robert Bryce declares that “electricity has become a human right.”  It’s not an “endowed by our Creator” human right, nor one...

Featured News

Cancelling Our Culture

The Cancel Culture has claimed another victim. Renowned poet George Elliott Clarke has backed out of giving the University of Regina’s Woodrow Lloyd Lecture over accusations from Indigenous activists that he associates with another poet who once did a bad thing. His...

Ontarians to pay $1B for hydro meters

A new smart-meter initiative will make Ontario the first North American jurisdiction to record residential power consumption data on an hourly basis; critics argue the meters will allow the government to blame higher electricity bills on consumers who do not conserve aggressively.

Try Smarter Policing Instead

Frontier’s 2004 police charticle again shows Winnipeg with the second highest police per capita in Canada. Instead of increasing police numbers, Winnipeg needs to make smarter use of its plentiful police resources.