Results for "china"

A Vision for Canada

A Vision for Canada

As Canada begins 2023, our nation remains one of the most prosperous in the world. Canada is endowed with unmatched geography, resources and people. Yet, our nation faces many profound and urgent policy choices that will determine whether Canada’s future stays bright.

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Dictators on the March Cause World Wars

Dictators on the March Cause World Wars

On September 1st of this year we will commemorate yet another sad anniversary of the bloody horror show that was the Twentieth Century. On that day, eighty years ago, armed forces of Nazi Germany invaded Poland on the pretext of protecting an ethnic minority- the...

More Fake Five-Alarm Crises from the IPCC

More Fake Five-Alarm Crises from the IPCC

Efforts to stampede the USA and Canada into forsaking fossil fuels and modern farming continue apace. UN and other scientists recently sent out news releases claiming July 2019 was the “hottest month ever recorded on Earth” – nearly about 1.2 degrees C “above...

Questioning Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming Theory

Questioning Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming Theory

There continues to be little hard evidence of a correlation between carbon dioxide (CO2) increases, caused by humans, and rising temperatures.  While the relationship has been programmed into relatively simplistic computer models constructed by climate scientists,...

Civil Service Accountability

Civil Service Accountability

It is a fact well known to deeply-learned historians and viewers of the BBC comedy series Yes Minister that the true power in government lies not in the hands of politicians – poor transient creatures of little lasting importance, here one election and gone the next –...

A Modest Proposal

A Modest Proposal

In 1970, Pierre Eliot Trudeau’s administration decided to cut diplomatic ties with one government claiming to rule China and to recognize another. Out went our acceptance of a long-time ally, the quasi-democratic Republic of China, based on the island of Taiwan, and...