Results for "charticle"

Manitoba Hydro: Worst Transparency in Canada

Annual reports are an essential tool in the public’s ability to analyze companies performance. This charticle demonstrates the transparency of Canadian energy companies based on public access to their annual report data online.  This simple analysis of the...

Canadian Property Rights Index

Property rights are fundamental to the prosperity of any economy. Without predictable and enforceable property rights, individuals and businesses cannot receive a return on economic activity. Property rights are also strongly correlated to GDP per capita and foreign...

Featured News

Try Smarter Policing Instead

Frontier’s 2004 police charticle again shows Winnipeg with the second highest police per capita in Canada. Instead of increasing police numbers, Winnipeg needs to make smarter use of its plentiful police resources.

Alberta Taxes Approach U.S. Levels

The 2004 Tax Load Index offers a simple measure of tax competitiveness across western Canada and adjacent jurisdictions, including Ontario and two American states, North Dakota and Minnesota. It sums up a jurisdiction’s key tax rates – the top provincial marginal rates (including surcharges) on personal and corporate income, as well as payroll, capital, sales taxes, and for the first time this year health taxes* – to present a picture of the total tax burden, and to benchmark them against our neighbours’ tax load.