Results for "china"

The Geography of Superentrepreneurs

The Geography of Superentrepreneurs

What parts of the world have given rise to the most successful entrepreneurs? This is a question which is answered in the superentrepreneurs project. This project is about studying high-end entrepreneurship and focuses on the close to 2 500 individuals in the world...

Featured News

How ESG Standards Favor Toxic Petrostates

Coercion and vandalism have become commonplace tactics to force insurers off mining and oil development projects throughout the world. Ironically, that clears the way for companies with deep pockets and petrostates whose goal is geopolitical supremacy, not...

Have We Lost Our Way?

Have We Lost Our Way?

While journalists in some parts of the world risk their lives (one butchered at the Saudi embassy in Turkey), ours were earnestly studying the details of new marijuana laws. Where will we be allowed to smoke? What will the fines be for disobeying a bewildering new...

Security and Safety of the Internet

Security and Safety of the Internet

The US government is pressuring Canada to block telecommunications companies from using equipment provided by Huawei, a Chinese company, when building our 5G cellular network for smartphones. Their logic is along the lines of “we don’t have actual evidence that China...

But What Will Take Its Place?

But What Will Take Its Place?

In high school and college, I competed in debate tournaments across the state and country. I clearly remember many occasions when a debate team’s plan would include abolishing some government program. Inevitably, the opponents would ask, “What will you replace it...