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Increasing capital gains tax?

Increasing capital gains tax?

The average capital gains tax in developed countries is 19.55%.  With the budget this week by the Federal Government, it increases the maximum Capital Gains rate from taxing 50% on the gain, to 66.67%.  For high income earnings, who are at a marginal tax rate of 48%,...

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Single Use Plastic Banned Overturned By Federal Court

Single Use Plastic Banned Overturned By Federal Court

The Federal Court recently overturned the Federal Government's order to add certain single use plastics to the list of Federally banned toxic substances. What hasn't been reported by the media is that the deciding Federal Court Judge, Angela Fulanetto (appointed to...

Etam: On Low Natural Gas Prices…

Etam: On Low Natural Gas Prices…

Is there any critical industrial material as bizarre as natural gas? The stuff holds almost zero interest for the general public, for the same reason no one is interested in the sound of a washing machine. Both boring. Both ubiquitous. Natural gas isn’t even sold on...