Results for "china"

Brace Yourself for Inflation

Brace Yourself for Inflation

Inflation, simply put, is the overall decline in the value of money. As prices increase the less each dollar is worth. The larger the increase in the price of goods and services, the more individuals are required to spend each year on living expenses — housing, fuel,...

Big Tech Influence Can Tip Elections

Big Tech Influence Can Tip Elections

Behavioural psychologist Robert Epstein believes Google can and does influence voters and that research teams in Canada and elsewhere need to monitor how users are being swayed. Epstein, the former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today and founder of the American...

Featured News

Science and journalism take a vacation

A recent Times of London article claimed new “research” demonstrates that a “chemical onslaught is destroying Britain’s amphibians.” A “toxic cocktail,” it stated, is killing UK frogs, toads and newts. Manmade chemicals “can affect animals’ immune systems – leaving...

Economic liberalization cuts poverty

A new video shows that poverty reduction targets in the developing world have already been met. The reduction has come from some of the most populous countries- namely China and India- reducing poverty levels through economic liberalization. The video also states...

Wireless Competition – Two New Studies

Two new studies on wireless competition in Canada were released last week.  Also, Bell announced that it was cutting roaming rates to the U.S. “Wireless Competition in Canada: An Assessment” is by Jeffrey Church of the University of Calgary’s School of Public...

Global Warming Alarmists Abusing Our Children: The facts don’t support the propaganda environmentalist feeding our children

Environmental alarmists continue to target and abuse our children by perpetuating the drumbeat of doom. No doubt there is more to come. But the scare tactics used in schools need to be eliminated, because the facts don’t support their claims. Rational environmentalists have moved on to discuss how the planet is healing itself from the burst of industrialization.

Aussie Restoration: The perils of a carbon tax and other lessons from Down Under.

For more than a decade Australia had one of the world’s most successful center-right governments, and on Saturday it voted overwhelmingly for a restoration. After six years of Labor Party melodrama and leftward economic policies, Australians returned a Liberal government to power under new leader Tony Abbott. There are lessons here for conservatives in the U.S. and Europe.

Hong Kong’s Simple, Low Taxes: Don’t We All Want It?

“I did a little calculation yesterday,” says Stuart Iliffe, a Canadian working in Hong Kong as chief financial officer of publishing house PPP Co. Ltd. “If I earned $100,000 [all figures Canadian unless noted] in Canada, after tax I would keep $64,000. If I earned $100,000 in Hong Kong, and made use of the married man’s tax allowance, I would keep $90,100.” Those are startling figures – and they don’t even take into account that the former British colony – since 1997 a special administrative region (SAR) of China – has no goods and services tax, harmonized sales tax or value added tax.