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Why Did They Kill the Schools?

Why Did They Kill the Schools?

Why did they bludgeon the schools to the point of being nonfunctional while robbing a whole generation of normal education? I cannot stop asking this question. It’s the ultimate example of liberalism eating itself. The pandemic response was morally egregious and...

Featured News

What Comes Next after Bitcoin Mainstreaming?

Underneath all the media brouhaha and institutional focus on bitcoin, a struggle is brewing in the crypto world: which altcoin will pick up the baton? A fierce competition is underway for the podium, with Ethereum having a clear first-mover advantage. Bitcoin, as...

Should parents be fully informed?

Should parents be fully informed?

This past week saw dozens of protests across Canada by hundreds of thousands of parents, who are concerned that their children are being sexualized at an early stage in elementary and junior schools. Polls show that up to 80% of Canadians are in favour of parental...