Results for "Residential"

When Misinformation is Misinformation

When Misinformation is Misinformation

Before 2016, “misinformation” was just another word in the dictionary. As soon as it became clear that Donald Trump’s straight-shooting presidential campaign was serious, and that he would likely become the Republican nominee, “misinformation” became a strategy....

Sir John ‘Eh?

Sir John ‘Eh?

“The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones.” - William Shakespeare, "Julius Caesar" Sir John Alexander Macdonald, Canada’s first and six-times-elected prime minister, was born on either January 10 or 11, 1815. On the 206th...

How Smart Meters can Serve Energy Consumers

How Smart Meters can Serve Energy Consumers

There have been few practical measures presented to achieve the lofty goals laid out in the prime minister’s green agenda or the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Gender equality, increased daycare spending, and reduced fossil-fuel usage might make for...

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Oil Sands Get Nod From U.S. Anti-Poverty Group

“We favour any and every energy source,” he said in an interview. “We do not believe in this artificial game that the radicals play of pitting the so-called bad energy versus good energy. All energy, when prices are as high as they are, which is such a critical resource and the lifeblood of a nation’s economy and the survival of people, is good energy as far as we are concerned.”

Home Ownership, Rent Vouchers, And Building Codes

In “Escaping the poverty trap: from public housing to home ownership,” Rebecca Walberg writes that “The last thing a Canadian city should be doing now is building or buying new public housing units.” Instead, Walberg, Social Policy Analyst for the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, advances policy ideas that would encourage home ownership and rent vouchers instead of government housing and rent control.

Ethanol Policies May Be Hard To Fix

Four years ago, Dennis Avery warned that, as Western governments fell head over heels for biofuels, passing laws forcing consumers to buy them, “U.S. farmers, who should be exporting food to densely populated Asian countries with rising incomes, will instead turn their corn into ethanol … without benefit to the environment.” In barely a half-decade, biofuels have turned from the darling of environmentalists and policymakers — confident that petrol made from corn, soybeans or other plants would not just relieve us of our dependency on volatile Arab oil, but reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the process — to the target of blame for massive economic upheaval and environmental destruction.

Still Feeding The World

He has little patience for “well-fed utopians who live on Cloud Nine but come into the Third World to cause all kinds of negative impacts,” by scaring people and blocking the use of biotechnology.

Victoria Unlocks Vast Tracts For Housing

Australia’s State cabinet decided to speed up the release of residential land after receiving what one Government insider dubbed a “big wake-up call” about the extent of Melbourne’s population boom. Premier John Brumby will announce today that all available land within Melbourne’s urban growth boundary will be zoned residential — one of the biggest land releases in the city’s history — in a bid to give more young families and first-time buyers the chance to get into the property market.