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From Censorship to Criminalizing Dissent

From Censorship to Criminalizing Dissent

History does seem to be on fast forward, doesn’t it? A major battle is brewing throughout the Western world over the basic principle of free speech. Is it going to be protected by law? It isn’t entirely clear what the outcome will be. We seem to be on the precipice of...

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What Is A University Student?

As a result of government and university policies in both the U.S. and Canada, university students are not seen as individuals with records of educational achievement and the potential for both success in higher education and for contributions beyond in the wider...

Cowering Before ‘Carbon’

Cowering Before ‘Carbon’

Right now South Dakota is under attack by a freshly born green corporation, Summit Carbon Solutions, funded by China’s Belt and Road initiative, and you, through the Green New Deal provisions buried in the last debt ceiling deal, to pipe “carbon,” from the oil fields...

Why Is Our Standard of Living Falling?

Why Is Our Standard of Living Falling?

Background – Posthaste: Canada's standard of living is falling behind the rest of the developed world, National Post, July 17, 2023 Mind the Gap – Canada is Falling Behind the Standard of Living Curve, TD Bank Report, July 13, 2023   Click...