Results for "Residential"

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NIWA has applied the scary scenarios generated by the latest run of IPCC computer models to New Zealand. Having failed to predict the weather over Easter they now play safe by forecasting so far out none of us will be around to check them out. We need to be aware of...

$4B Boom Just Tip of Iceberg

Manitoba is in the middle of a $4-billion construction boom and that is likely only the tip of the iceberg. Another $6 billion has been committed to upgrading roads and bridges in the city and across the province over the next 10 years and Manitoba Hydro has said it...

This Land Is My Land

Canada's much vaunted reputation for tolerance took a beating this summer in Caledonia, a town 80km (50 miles) south-west of Toronto, where a new housing development on land claimed by the Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy has sparked off a series of ugly clashes...