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Peckford: Where Are We?

Peckford: Where Are We?

I have been writing this blog since 2015. I have been covering many of the major issues facing our country and the wider world. It seems that humankind has hit the wall. I remember reading the thoughts of the late evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould about...

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Was Trudeau Right?

Was Trudeau Right?

Poll Question: February 08, 2023 to February 14, 2023 In 1969 then Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and his Indian Affairs Minister Jean Chretien proposed ending the Indian Act which basically makes aboriginals wards of a federal government department in...

COVID-19 was More Bark than Bite

COVID-19 was More Bark than Bite

COVID-19 had a loud bark but little bite, especially compared to the draconian mandates it inspired. That controversial statement can be backed up by a new study on infection mortality rates during the pandemic. We now know the virus was never the threat it was made...

Still in the Ghetto in 2023

Still in the Ghetto in 2023

Pierre Poilievre recently made headlines when he criticized The Indian Act - calling it racist and archaic. In fact, his remarks were not even controversial, because many indigenous leaders have said the same thing for more than half a century. The Indian Act is...

The Price of Speech is Not Free

The Price of Speech is Not Free

Canadians can justifiably demand investigative hearings into government abuse of executive power during the Covid-19 Pandemic. These hearings ought to have occurred long ago, and when they do happen, they will undoubtedly vindicate many Canadians who suffered under...