Results for "china"

Message from the President

March 20, 2020 Dear Friends of the Frontier Centre:   There can be plenty of irony when revisiting the oft-used old Chinese saying – “May you live in interesting times”.  According to popular belief it is an English expression of a traditional Chinese curse.  ...

Gold’s Rise Could Be Signalling Chaos

Gold’s Rise Could Be Signalling Chaos

Gold is a strange commodity. While it has some industrial uses, it mostly ends up in jewelry or money-surrogates such as coins and ingots; the latter often in central bank vaults. Unlike other metals, it accumulates and circulates in the economy and society; it is not...

What Canada Can Do to Oppose Chinese Tyranny

What Canada Can Do to Oppose Chinese Tyranny

 As Temperature Rises, Great White North Must Side with Trump A Vancouver court is the battleground for two different visions of Canada’s future. The United States wants the extradition of Meng Wanzhou, the top Huawei executive, while Beijing wants Canada to let her...

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Speaker Attacks Sacred Cows

Vaclav Smil has spent a 35-year career establishing a reputation as a world-renowned energy expert from his office at the University of Manitoba but he could easily ditch the halls of academia and go on tour as The Energy Comic. Smil had the normally sombre crowd who...