Results for "china"

Mark Carney’s “Greta” Finance Model

Mark Carney’s “Greta” Finance Model

Depending on the part of the world you’re in, the mention of economist, Mark Carney, will elicit different responses. In Canada, Carney is widely credited with steering the country through the rocky waters of the 2008 financial crisis, but in the United Kingdom he is...

Featured News

Put the Brakes on Senate Reform

Canada needs to finally have a conversation about Senate reform before politicians and interest groups transform the institution without the participation of average citizens.  The federal government has introduced a bill in the Senate that would formally recognize...

Is Global Warming Getting Colder?

The first thing we have to do is fire all the reporters, editors and headline writers who have not got a clue about "global warming" except that it scares the hell out of readers and sells newspapers. In late March, my local daily carried an Associated Press article...

Political Weather

It may be getting even tougher to pick a winter holiday destination. If media reports are to be believed, we could soon add Regina and Thunder Bay to our list of winter fun spots, given the 3.9 C rise in temperature above the ostensible long-term average estimated by...

The Decline And Fall Of Europe

Cartoons and riots made the headlines in Europe last week, but a far less fiery event, the publication of an academic study, may shed greater light on the future of the continent. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), headquartered in...