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New Homes for Social Media Outcasts

Facebook, Google and Twitter have enjoyed market dominance for more than a decade. That hasn’t changed, but their increasing tendency towards censorship has lost some users. Although censorship is not a welcome development, it has given social media a welcome chance...

The COVID Commission

The COVID Commission

The public unrest which led to the establishment of what came to be known as the COVID Commission began prior to 2022. But it did not become a formidable political force until late in the spring of 2022 when it triggered the creation of the Commission. By that spring,...

Suburbanizing Canada: 2021 Census

Suburbanizing Canada: 2021 Census

Canada continues to move to the suburbs, as the 2021 census data shows. This is based on a Statistics Canada analysis on metropolitan (Census Metropolitan Areas, or CMAs) population and change since the 2016 Census. Statistics Canada (Statscan) divides the CMA...