Year: 2005

Union move on profit daycare

Wannan pines for the good old days in Australia when central planners controlled the entire child care industry. Federal subsidies were once handed out exclusively to the non-profit sector and operators were told where they could open. The result was a dysfunctional system incapable of meeting parent demands. But according to Wannan this was “one of the best child care systems in the world.”

Featured News

What Happened to 8 Percent?

Alberta must honour its commitment to reduce corporate income tax rates to 8.0 percent immediately with an eye towards even greater tax relief aimed at improving the incentives for work, savings, and investment.

In Private Enterprise We (mis)Trust

Should governments look to public-private partnerships (P3s) to cure all that ails healthcare? Manitoba says “no” and Nova Scotia says “maybe” but then along came the Supreme Court, throwing a wrench in the works with a decision that’s widely seen as a threat to the public healthcare status quo.

Junk Auto Insurance Statistics

The latest study claims average premiums were calculated after compiling 3,776,997 rate quotes. But as it would take a small army to collect, process, create a proper statistical model and properly analyze what’s fed into it, the study prompts the question of whether the work was done properly.