Year: 2005

Think Tanks Changing Their Minds

In the United States, think tanks are hugely effective and a major part of the political debate. They play a constant role and an interactive role with government in terms of where government wants to go and trying to help with the kinds of policy prescriptions and the issues that they need to have looked at by independent people,” Here in Canada, Think-tanks here tend to present research that they have done in the abstraction from the public debate.

Featured News

Demand Fairness from Ottawa and Edmonton

A few weeks ago, Albertans voted to reduce the inequities in the federal equalization program. The deficit between the dollars that leave to and come back from Ottawa has recently been as high as $27 billion in one year. During times of crisis, it feels like salt in...

First Nations Fiscal Act

The First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act, which received royal assent last week, gives aboriginal groups the authority to pool property taxes they collect to use as collateral for bond issues, virtually assuring that they will obtain an investment grade rating on par with Vancouver or Montreal.