Year: 2006

Show Me the Money

Cross-border sampling results agree with most of the studies that have been done. Farmers just south of the border get paid more for identical wheat and barley crops. The Wheat Board’s so-called price advantage is a chimera.

Gas Tax to go for Highways

The NDP government introduced legislation Thursday that will mandate all money collected from on-road fuel tax be dedicated to the province’s highways. The move was promised in this year’s throne speech. The gas tax is 15 cents per litre and the government collects...

Featured News

This Land Is My Land

Canada's much vaunted reputation for tolerance took a beating this summer in Caledonia, a town 80km (50 miles) south-west of Toronto, where a new housing development on land claimed by the Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy has sparked off a series of ugly clashes...

Expanding the Trades

Manitoba’s school system overemphasizes university entrance, and the result is huge drop-out rates in universities and a shortage of skilled tradesmen. The German system of apprenticeship works better.

Raise City Taxes

For years the City of Winnipeg has been complaining about lack of money for road repair and general city maintenance maybe an increase in property taxes would give them the extra money for these needed projects.