Year: 2006

Featured News

57 Policy Proposals for Future Leaders to Help Make the Canadian Economy Soar

Executive Summary The various federal political parties are all promoting the policy agendas they believe will foster a sustainably high quality of life for all Canadians. It remains to be seen whether they will attain the success that they aim to achieve. In some...

The Secret’s Out

A major American health insurer is now giving its customers much more information, data that will help consumers make intelligent healthcare decisions. Aetna recently added a new feature to their website, allowing members access to prices of services provided and care-quality information of health care officials.

Go West, Young Man…

The tax policies pursued by western Canada over the past few years are quintessentially supply-side. That is, the tax relief is largely focused on improving incentives for work, savings, investment and entrepreneurship.

Breaking the Board

A meeting between the federal agriculture minister and a bunch of farm groups to discuss the future of grain exports in Canada might not seem like a provocative act. But to the Canadian Wheat Board, it was likely considered an act of war when Chuck Strahl convened the...