Year: 2007

A Sickly Health Result

It’s no surprise that a new study of halfa-dozen rich countries’ health systems shows the U.S. leading the pack on costs, but dead last on results. It has been the same story for three years running in a series of studies by the Cumberland Fund. And plenty of other...

Featured News

To Infinity and Beyond

Space exploration is fraught with a wide variety of hazards; solar storms could irradiate astronauts, collisions with small, unseen objects could cause instant death, and the acts of both leaving Earth and coming back are high risk maneuvers that involve high speeds...

Global Minimum Tax Is Cartel Scam with Loopholes

Rhetoric is one thing; reality is another. As is becoming increasingly clear, the OECD’s July 1 proposal for a 15 per cent global minimum for corporate taxation is nothing of the sort. Although the awaited initiative slated for 2023 will not and cannot achieve a level...

Climate Alarmist Quits British Government

Sir Nicholas Stern, author of a controversial report on the effect of global warming on the global economy, resigned his position as second permanent secretary in the British treasury department after the government essentially ignored his call for drastic action.

Global Warming Ethics, Pork and Profits

The ink has barely dried on its new code of conduct, and already Congress is redefining ethics and pork to fit a global warming agenda. As Will Rogers observed, “with Congress, every time they make a joke, it’s a law. And every time they make a law, it’s a joke.”...