Year: 2008

Oil Patch’s New Ally

Alberta’s energy industry has lately been made into an ecological bogeyman by environmentalist groups, portraying the oil sands as a “dirty,” undesirable source because of its carbon footprint. “We say the economic frontier is the last frontier for achieving racial equality in society,” Mr. Innis says. “And access to affordable energy … is what we consider to be the master resource for the economic survival for our community. Rising energy prices represent an immoral war on the poor, because it keeps people poor.”

Alberta Needs Climate Change Criteria: AG

The province made climate change commitments in Albertans and Climate Change: Taking Action, its 2002 climate change plan and in Alberta’s 2008 Climate Change Strategy (which replaced the 2002 plan). To meet these targets, the government now needs to establish criteria for deciding specific actions, develop a master implementation plan, improve the processes for monitoring climate change results and ensure reported data is relevant and reliable, Auditor General Fred Dunn said in the report.

Green-Collar Jobs – Or Con Jobs?

An even bigger problem with the green-collar vision is its ultimate goal: ending our “addiction” to fossil fuels and mandating “sustainable,” hydrocarbon-free lifestyles. Conservation, efficiency and renewables will not bridge this enormous energy gap, certainly not in one decade and probably not in four. To decimate the energy system we have – and claim we can replace it with technologies that don’t yet exist – is delusional and irresponsible.

Poor Families Hurt By High Energy Prices

Innis, refers to himself as an environmentalist, however, in his speech, he dismissed the basic idea of global warming and the negative impact it’s having on the environment. His solution to the energy issue is to promote conservation, increase efficiency and continue to embrace new alternatives- like wind and solar power – all without cutting down energy production in North America. “All energy is good energy,” said Innis.

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Drain Canada Dry?

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Sidney Green

Sidney Green

“I support the general law. Namely, that it is unlawful to bribe a politician otherwise I do not support laws with respect to financing because one, it is contrary to freedom of speech and secondly, because it is impossible to enforce them and it makes dishonest people out of honest people because they will find and seek out ways to get around stupid laws.”