Year: 2010

Pension Riots Brewing in Canada?: $208 billion MORE needed to pay for public sector pension plans

“Are you saving $14,180 a year for your pension? That is how much you would have needed to save – every year for the last 35 years – to pay yourself a pension equal to that of a federal public servant retiring today. That’s a lot of money and precisely why taxpayers are on the hook for an unfunded federal pension liability of $208 billion, according to a recent C.D. Howe Institute report.”

Tearing Apart the British Welfare State: Tories Impose Jobs on the ‘Workshy’

“In a huge and risky experiment sure to be watched closely by other countries wrestling with public debt, government budget deficits and shrinking work forces, Prime Minister David Cameron’s government Thursday announced sweeping plans to change the lives of 5 million people dependent on government payments in an effort to push hundreds of thousands of people into the work force.”

Featured News

Who Should Own Reserve Lands?

“The First Nation Property Ownership Initiative is drawing fire, with some calling it a proposal to transform reserve lands into fee simple holdings. This is incorrect. The legislation is intended to help first nations participate in the national economy on terms that most Canadians take for granted.”

Time To Hold Climate Doomsayers To Account

The false idea is presented out of context then left uncorrected by lack of follow up. This is especially true if the story is a prediction. We need a media vehicle to analyze the story in context followed by the aftermath. It’s time for a program on which doomsayers who profited financially or politically from false stories and predictions confronted and held to account.

Abusing Canada’s Generosity and Ignoring Genuine Refugees: An Analysis of Current and Still-needed Reforms to Canada’s Refugee and Immigration System

EU countries long ago introduced prescreening processes to sort out frivolous claims, and they have accelerated procedures for dealing with claimants who originate from countries that are safe for refugees. Many countries reduced welfare benefits and other services for asylum seekers, and others do not permit asylum seekers to work. These methods were implemented so that fraudulent claimants who were really migrants did not overwhelm their asylum systems.

Media Release – Abusing Canada’s Generosity and Ignoring Genuine Refugees:: An Analysis of Current and Still-needed Reforms to Canada’s Refugee and Immigration System

The asylum system in Canada is broken. It is unable to distinguish readily between migrants and genuine refugees. Canada spends more on refugee claimants than the budget of UN agency responsible for caring for 43.3 million refugees and others in camps around the world. A powerful lobby of special interests has blocked most reforms to fix it, and Canada now lags behind most asylum-granting countries in their legislation.