Year: 2012

US Election

Polls have started closing in the US, on the east coast at least. Join us live on twitter for coverage and our thoughts throughout the night.

Climate scientists’ “consensus” based on a myth

Clearly, with so many serious issues raised by the respondents in the population being surveyed, if this part of the [Doran/Zimmerman global warming poll] was not to be corrected, and the survey re-administered, then it never should have been publicized at all, let alone trumpeted the way it was.

Ballot initiatives and Canadian politics

Many Canadian observers would be amazed at the number and breadth of ballot initiatives that will go before American voters tomorrow. The election of a president is not the only exciting aspect of tomorrow's vote. Dozens of states will be putting questions before...

Another politicised storm

NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg blames climate change for Hurricane Sandy as a means to deflect attention from the fact that he didn’t do nearly enough to prepare for and deal with the storm.

Featured News

Frontier Centre Research In The News

The Frontier Centre has released several major papers in recent weeks that have generated a significant amount of discussion about important policy problems in Canada. Michael Zwaagstra's policy study on the subject of highly controversial "no-zero" grading policies...

Coal-Fired Plants Mothballed by Gas Glut

In its heyday, the giant W.H. Sammis power station was a workhorse, cranking out electricity around the clock. But FirstEnergy Corp. FE -0.52%now plans to idle the coal-fired power plant on the Ohio River and run it only when there is exceptional need for electricity.

Tattoo this: “It’s the Sun, stupid!”: New Berkeley BEST project temperature records confirm: changes in solar radiation influence climate

Earlier last month Professor Richard Muller of the University of California, Berkeley’s BEST project announced that, based on their newly constructed global land temperature record, “no component that matches solar activity” was related to temperature. Instead, Professor Muller said, carbon dioxide controlled temperature.

Zero Logic Behind Controversial Policy

In advance of Lynden Dorval’s final hearing the Edmonton Public Schools chief superintendent Monday, audio of a staff meeting held by principal Ron Bradley was released, defending his teachers, the no-zero policy at his school, and blasting the media for their coverage of the controversy.

A Cool-Headed Climate Conversation With Aerospace Legend Burt Rutan

A Cool-Headed Climate Conversation With Aerospace Legend Burt Rutan

My wife Nancy and I recently enjoyed a couple of great days with Burt Rutan and his wife Tonya at their beautiful new home in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. The visit afforded an opportunity to discuss many topics of keenly shared interest, including the global warming “debate”. Although Burt is world renowned for his remarkable record-setting achievements in aircraft and spacecraft design, he has devoted a great deal of attention to this subject as well.