Year: 2013

Pipelines are the Safest Way to Transport Oil

Activists are continuing to work hard in an effort to block the construction of major oil pipelines like the proposed Northern Gateway project. As a result, oil companies have turned to alternatives, like moving crude by rail. But the tragedy at Lac Megantic, Quebec...

Featured News

More Government Pocket Picking

Following closely on the heels of a media report of the dangerous driving behaviour of many motorists in school zones, the Minister Responsible for MPI, Andrew Swan, rushed out today with an announcement that MPI premiums are to pay...

Global Warming Alarmists Abusing Our Children: The facts don’t support the propaganda environmentalist feeding our children

Environmental alarmists continue to target and abuse our children by perpetuating the drumbeat of doom. No doubt there is more to come. But the scare tactics used in schools need to be eliminated, because the facts don’t support their claims. Rational environmentalists have moved on to discuss how the planet is healing itself from the burst of industrialization.

It’s Time For Government to Start Thinking Bigger

When governments hand out cash for infrastructure projects, it’s easy to think small. Politicians love summer festivals, hockey rinks, small craft harbours and city parks. The money gets out the door quickly and everyone can see the results. Grants can be geographically matched to political objectives. And projects typically face little opposition.

Differentiated Instruction is an Unproven Fad

The desire to tailor education to the specific learning styles of each student, known as differentiated instruction, is a fad that distracts from educational fundamentals. There is no evidence to suggest that it is a successful methodology. In fact, by diverting attention away from curriculum content, it can actually be counter-productive.