Year: 2013

Fraser Institute on the Wireless Debates

The Fraser Institute has come out in favour of dropping the remaining foreign ownership restrictions in the telecom industry as the way to solve our current policy issues in the wireless sector. Reducing and eventually eliminating the foreign ownership restrictions is...

Featured News

Kudos to Environment Minister Peter Kent for giving Canadians a climate scare-free Earth Day

Happily, and perhaps unexpectedly, Canadian Environment Minister Peter Kent resisted the temptation to associate his Earth Day speech with the climate scare. In an announcement that included nothing at all about climate, global warming, greenhouse gases or carbon dioxide, Kent and his Alberta counter-part Diana McQueen instead discussed a practical, science-based plan to enhance public access to real pollution data from the oilsands.

Show Trial on the Red

Introduction At least five years and perhaps $2 billion and several made commitments late, the Selinger government has provided the Public Utilities Board (PUB) direction and terms of reference for a review of Manitoba Hydro’s long-touted development plans. In its...

Deceiving Oneself to the Cost of Others

The budget, implemented, will make a heavily indebted and high-taxed Manitoba even less competitive with other jurisdictions than it already is, resulting in less investment in the Province and more ‘movements out’ of the young, the skilled, the professionals and the wealthy.

Speaker Argues Against Compact Cities

Participants at a housing innovation and infrastructure forum heard a defence of detached housing and against compact cities. Wendell Cox, an international public policy consultant specializing in urban policy, transport and demographics, told the audience at the forum cities that have urban containment policies push up housing prices and make them less affordable.

Eco-Fascists by Elizabeth Nickson

Professor Barry Cooper reviews Elizabeth Nickson’s controversial book “eco-fascism” and discusses the threat that radical conservationism poses to the development of smart environmental policy in Canada. Elizabeth Nickson can write. She developed her skills as a...