Year: 2013

The Fix for a Broken System of Higher Education

After the last couple of American elections, it’s become clear that the greatest challenge for conservatives is taking back the culture. And that’s a problem in Canada as well. One of the greatest obstacles to this lies in our universities, which have been taken over by their politically correct faculty members. The solution will come schools that combine new technologies with a classical curriculum.

Suffocating Bureaucracy & Failed Institutions

The real reason for the collapse of embryonic civil society in Egypt appears to be poorly understood.

Within this excellent article in the UK The Telegraph , by the Editor of The Spectator Fraser Nelson “It is capitalism, not democracy, that the Arab world needs most” ( h/t Australian Institute of Public Affairs … Hey… what did I miss? newsletter ) , the real reasons for this failure are explained.

We See Thee Rise: Canada’s Emerging Role In Policy Leadership

In their 2010 book The Canadian Century: Moving Out of America’s Shadow, Brian Lee Crowley, Jason Clemens, and Niels Veldhuis, three leading Canadian policy and think tank experts, described the great opportunity lying ahead for our northern neighbor. Public policy reforms that increased market incentives, opened new areas to trade and production, and moved toward increased economic freedom and financial stability, reversed the trends that made Canada lag behind the U.S. Canada today ranks ahead of the United States in economic freedom and in transparency, as well as in many other economic indicators such as lower levels of debt, less unemployment, and higher GDP growth.

Featured News

Blair on Thatcher

Yesterday, PBS Newshour's coverage of Margaret Thatcher's passing last night included a great interview with two former high level officials from the Reagan administration, George Schultz and James Baker. The one comment that stuck with me was Baker's comment that...

The Coming Global Warming Voter Backlash

News is breaking out all over: global warming stopped 20 years ago. A political earthquake has resulted from a feature story in the Economist magazine because the Economist used to be a consistent cheerleader for global warming activism. Doubts about global warming used to be censored by its London editors, one reporter confided to Stephen Hayward.

EI for Seasonal Workers is a Corrosive Economic Policy

There is no justification, in logic or in economics, for seasonal EI, and the dogged pursuit of this policy flies in the face of the interests of Canada and people who become trapped in the cycle of working seasonally and then receiving EI benefits while unemployed. Some day a politician will have the guts to say so, but apparently not today.