Year: 2014

Taxation benefits First Nations

With the recent implementation of the First Nations Financial Transparency Act (FNFTA), this may be an excellent opportunity to raise another issue of contention—that of First Nations taxation. If First Nations governments were to tax their reserve base and...

Assembly of First Nations Needs Reform

The resignation earlier this year of Shawn Atleo as National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations strongly confirmed the need for reform of this important organization. Internal divisions are preventing the AFN from being as effective as it should be. First Nations...

Featured News

Aruna Papp Interview

Reprinted from Dialogue. Interview by Juanita Julliet Singh On March 9, 2013, Aruna Papp established a record. She became the first Adventist Indo-Canadian woman to represent Canada as a delegate to the United Nations Conference on Global...

The Public Trusts Science, Not Politicians

Canadians have been deluged with reports about climate change for two decades, but polls still indicate that in most western countries, only about half of us believe in the science of the issue. Perhaps this is because most of what we hear comes from politicians and...

Fracking Does Not Harm Drinking Water

The debate over fracking continues to be lively, and there's a lot of misinformation out there. Fracking, or 'hydraulic fracturing', is the injection of water, sand and chemicals at high pressure into underground rock formations, to release trapped natural gas....

The Allocation of Resources and Degrees Awarded

Accountability, measured by results rather than inputs, is fast becoming a reality in Canadian universities, but administrators still claim they need more resources and fewer constraints on their spending. Over a seven-year period from 2001 to 2008, the resources for...