Year: 2018

A Price on Pickup

A Price on Pickup

The City of Winnipeg did not choose the lowest bid cost for garbage pickup in 2017.   The extra cost to Winnipeg taxpayers will be $16 million or approximately an extra 3 to 4 % on the average homeowner property tax bills.   Explained in this new short video from...

Featured News

Why a Ban on Plastic Straws Sucks

Why a Ban on Plastic Straws Sucks

A strawman argument is a rhetorical device that deliberately misrepresents or exaggerates an opponent’s position in order to demolish it. It’s always easier to defeat an opponent made of straw than is to tackle a serious argument with facts and logic. You could say...

The Indigenous Grandmother

The Indigenous Grandmother

On May 15, 2018 CBC Radio aired a story about an Indigenous woman who complained that a security officer, and then a City of Winnipeg police officer, had treated her improperly while she was attending a Winnipeg Jets related “Whiteout” event. The woman, who described...

Two Visions of Mining for Manitoba

Two Visions of Mining for Manitoba

There are two visions of engaging with First Nations on mining projects in Manitoba. The first will likely lead to considerable opposition and increased delays. The second focuses on meaningful consultation with Indigenous groups and is destined to move development...

How long is the career of a public figure when facing anonymous accusations of sexual misconduct? In the case of Ontario Conservative leader Patrick Brown it was measured in hours from the moment CTV released the news to his resignation.

Now They’re Waging War On Plastics!

Now They’re Waging War On Plastics!

Earth Day Network (EDN) chose “End Plastic Pollution” as their theme for this year’s April 22 Earth Day. It is just the tip of the anti-plastic activism that now consumes environmental extremists. A Google search  on “Plastic Pollution Coalition” (a group claiming to...