Year: 2018

Canada and the USA are now involved in a harmful trade war that threatens our prosperity. At the heart of the disagreement are the sky-high tariffs that Canada levies on dairy products to shelter our milk cartel. These import duties of up to 270% make our milk, cheese...

Profile Series: Dr. Ben Chavis

Profile Series: Dr. Ben Chavis

Many Americans know Ben Chavis, 60, from his pioneering work in the American Indian charter school movement, where he administered the acclaimed American Indian Public Charter School in Oakland, California. He took the school over in July 2000, and it went from the...

Featured News

Profile Series: Arthur Laffer

“Government spending is taxation. When you look at this, I’ve never  heard of a poor person spending himself into prosperity; let alone I’ve never heard of a poor person taxing himself into prosperity.” Arthur Betz “Art” Laff er is one of the world’s most renowned...