Year: 2020

Canada Must Become an Energy Leader Again

Canada Must Become an Energy Leader Again

Canada must demonstrate federal leadership and all provinces and territories must come together as a country to support our energy economy, given its relative importance to Canada’s entire economy.  If it does not, Canada will continue to see its energy sector fall...

Featured News

How ESG Standards Favor Toxic Petrostates

Coercion and vandalism have become commonplace tactics to force insurers off mining and oil development projects throughout the world. Ironically, that clears the way for companies with deep pockets and petrostates whose goal is geopolitical supremacy, not...

Real Help for Indigenous Youth

Real Help for Indigenous Youth

Last week there was yet another “round dance” held at Portage and Main, this one was in support of the “hereditary chiefs” of the Wet’suwet’en First Nation blocking authorized construction of a natural gas pipeline in northern British Columbia. In spite of a court...

Collectivism Kills Charity

Collectivism Kills Charity

“God giveth and the government taketh away,” goes the old, wry saying. God aside, it is people who won't or can't give when the government takes away. A recent survey of generosity in the United States and Canada gives even more proof. The more centralist and...

Getting the Fracts Straight: Hoover Institution

Getting the Fracts Straight: Hoover Institution

Hydraulic fracturing has its risk, but as we show in this video, scientific research suggests they are rare. Meanwhile, the process yields substantial economic gains. The nation is experiencing a natural gas and oil boom due in no small part to hydraulic fracturing,...

Whose Side Are You On?

Whose Side Are You On?

"The red coats we know, but who are those little black devils?” This was the question posed by a Métis prisoner after the Battle of Fish Creek. Thus was born the nickname of the military unit that would later be known as the Royal Winnipeg Rifles, one that had been...

Mark Carney’s “Greta” Finance Model

Mark Carney’s “Greta” Finance Model

Depending on the part of the world you’re in, the mention of economist, Mark Carney, will elicit different responses. In Canada, Carney is widely credited with steering the country through the rocky waters of the 2008 financial crisis, but in the United Kingdom he is...

The Middle East: What You Need to Know

The Middle East: What You Need to Know

On a winter river bank, a scorpion approaches a frog. “Mr. Frog, would you carry me across the river?” “Do you think I am crazy, Mr. Scorpion? You could sting me and kill me.” “But why would I sting you, when I would drown as a result?” “Hmmm. Maybe.” “Be reasonable,...

Liberty or Death is the Question

Liberty or Death is the Question

“Give me liberty or give me death” was a battle cry that many people will remember hearing, but few will recall the statesman who said it. Even fewer will know what it meant. These seven words concluded a speech given by Patrick Henry on March 23, 1775; a speech that...