Year: 2020

Let’s Check the Fact-Checkers

Let’s Check the Fact-Checkers

Fact-checking, how wonderful. They take us past the spin and straight to the real truth. Or maybe not. A closer look at almost every fact-checking organization shows a great deal of politics and vested interests involved. Years ago, I went to whenever...

Featured News

Marxist Media Management

Marxist Media Management

“I cannot but wonder why are people pushing for Socialism and Communism?” an elderly friend wrote on Facebook. “Are they that misinformed and believing it?” If we concede the answer is “yes,” the next question is “Why?” The late Yuri Bezmenov, a former KGB operative...

Who is Worth it?

Who is Worth it?

The academic world was all a-twitter a few weeks back with the enormously humorous idea of a “Scholars’ Strike”. The idea was that on September 9th and 10th, university professors would put down their intellectual tools and by doing nothing – or indulging in...

Asleep at the Wheel: Who is driving?

Asleep at the Wheel: Who is driving?

We have not reached the technological point where we can expect to see driverless vehicles plying our roadways, yet. However, as a recent incident on the QE2 highway in Alberta has demonstrated, we might be edging closer than some of us might have thought. How close...

How Schools can Close the Gap

How Schools can Close the Gap

Picture a school in an underprivileged part of north London, England.  One-third of nearby families live in poverty, a significant percentage are visible minorities, and the neighbourhood crime rate is twice the national average. What kind of academic results would...

Destroy a Statue, Destroy a Culture

Destroy a Statue, Destroy a Culture

George Washington. Thomas Jefferson. John A. MacDonald. These men are worthy of remembrance and acknowledgement for their contributions to the great nations of the United States and Canada. Unfortunately, as dead white males, they are also the targets of critical...