Year: 2021

Trade with Mercosur: Opportunities for Canada

Trade with Mercosur: Opportunities for Canada

In November 2018, Canada and Mercosur opened negotiations for a free trade agreement. The Mercosur, composed of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay (Venezuela is a suspended member from 2016), represents a bloc representing a GDP of over $3 trillion and a...

The Unacceptable Idea of a New Normal

The Unacceptable Idea of a New Normal

Since the declaration of the COVID-19 Pandemic back in March of 2020, the Medical Officers of Health (MOHs), the Medical Special Advisory Councils and some politicians have regularly referred to the fact that Canadians may have to learn to live with a new normal. This...

Featured News

Killing Alberta-51 Option: Thank Joe!

Killing Alberta-51 Option: Thank Joe!

About a third of Albertans steadily favour breaking away from Canada. That number has recently been as high as 50 per cent (February 2020, Angus Reid). Some among them believe that joining the U.S. as a 51st state is the best option. But that’s not likely the case...

Mistakes Enough to go Around

Mistakes Enough to go Around

Former Saskatchewan premier Brad Wall’s report on Hydro’s Keeyask dam and Bipole III transmission line expansion is a damning verdict on Manitoba Hydro’s past boards and executives and Manitoba’s NDP and PC governments. While Wall’s public criticism concentrates on...

Culture of Death Must Not Prevail

Culture of Death Must Not Prevail

Although euthanasia was illegal in Canada until five years ago, our country is on the verge of having the most liberal euthanasia laws in the world. Canada has shifted gears from a culture of life to one of death and is putting its foot to the pedal to accelerate the...

A Lament for ‘Truth’

A Lament for ‘Truth’

The current state of society has come to depend on one simple concept—truth. Every other fact, every other value, action, justice, and principle resides on the fulcrum of what this one simple term means. The reductionists who cut, scar, and scorn the fundamental value...

The Myth (and Phony Math) of ‘Green’ Jobs

The Myth (and Phony Math) of ‘Green’ Jobs

Governments are killing real jobs and conning us about “millions of good green jobs.” “Fool me once,” Stephen King wrote, “shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us.” His adage certainly applies to the myth (and fake math) of...

Immigration and Reverse Immigration

Immigration and Reverse Immigration

Border controls over immigration and views about who has a right to cross national frontiers and settle as an immigrant have evoked impassioned debate and conflicting politics. Such issues raise basic questions about the nation-state, the control over the state’s...

The Pretendians

The Pretendians

“Pretendians” are what Indigenous people call non-Indigenous people who claim that they are Indigenous. Government financial incentives reserved exclusively for Indigenous people—supposedly, to achieve “equity”—have created “Pretendians” who are increasingly being...