Year: 2022

Featured News

To Infinity and Beyond

Space exploration is fraught with a wide variety of hazards; solar storms could irradiate astronauts, collisions with small, unseen objects could cause instant death, and the acts of both leaving Earth and coming back are high risk maneuvers that involve high speeds...

It’s Time We Put Students First Rather Than Last

It’s Time We Put Students First Rather Than Last

Finally, provincial governments are loosening public health restrictions. Based on what many health officials are saying, there’s a good chance that our country will be largely free of these restrictions by spring. This is happening not a moment too soon, particularly...

Sleeping Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

Sleeping Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

Everyone knows that Canada is in trouble. Like other countries, this country has been racked by various waves of COVID-19 for almost two years. But COVID-19 is not the most troubling issue. Let me explain. Remember at the beginning of the pandemic, we didn’t expect...

Regina bans plastic bags—sort of

Regina bans plastic bags—sort of

Imagine if a city suddenly fined people hundreds of dollars for something they regularly did hundreds of times a year? That’s exactly what the City of Regina and many other municipalities have done by banning single use plastic bags. One article is barely room enough...

Lockdowns Damage Vulnerable the Most

Lockdowns Damage Vulnerable the Most

One clear takeaway from the convoy protest is the realization that pandemic restrictions and mandates are not affecting everyone equally. Liberal MP Joel Lightbound’s clever retort of, “Not everyone can still earn a living using their MacBook while at the cottage”...