
Redefining Canada’s Internal Boundaries

Redefining Canada’s Internal Boundaries

It has been nearly 115 years since the provinces Alberta and Saskatchewan were established. Through pure determination and will, the citizens of Alberta and Saskatchewan have developed these provinces into economic necessities for Canada. Despite suffering through...

Pipeline to Seattle

Pipeline to Seattle

Canada is in trouble. Half of the population believes we are in a climate crisis, one requiring shutting down our oil and gas industry. The other half recognizes that our oil and gas industry is vital, and our ecological problems can be managed. To make matters worse,...

Featured News

Why University?

In this essay, I explain that young people should come to university to be educated, and not to become credentialed; the public should support universities because universities educate young people, not because they produce credentialled workers.   Why should a...

Economic Lessons from Milton Friedman

Economic Lessons from Milton Friedman

Were he still alive today, Milton Friedman would celebrate his 107th birthday on July 31. An intellectual giant, his ideas played a significant role in making the world a freer and more prosperous place – from driving the elimination of military conscription in the...

A Really Stupid and Futile Gesture

A Really Stupid and Futile Gesture

In the classic comedy Animal House, the authorities deal the protagonists a crushing blow – for their many misbehaviours, our heroes’ fraternity is dissolved and they are expelled from university. As they sit forlornly bemoaning their fate, one of the groups rallies...

Social Media Censorship–Is It Real?

Social Media Censorship–Is It Real?

Against the frenzy of inaccurate and manipulative information consistently roaring through our social media sites, the companies that manage these sites, like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, have been trying to wage a war against misinformation. However, they always...

The Canadian University Diversity Program

The Canadian University Diversity Program

The Federal Liberal government is determined to implement a new program called “Dimensions: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion” on all Canadian universities. This program includes a “Charter”—a document to be signed by university presidents or other senior official that...